Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pediped-A Shoe Worth Talking About

As I am sure most of you who read my blog, know that I love Pediped shoes! There are so many great aspects of these shoes. To start with, they have a wide selection for boys & girls, newborns & infants. These shoes are beautifully crafted and have a style to match any babies wardrobe.

Their slogan is "They are the next best thing to barefeet!" Your child will not feel like she has tight uncomfortable shoes on. They have soft, flexible soles that are foam padded. I wish they made these in adult sizes! Pedipeds are made with premium, non-toxic ECO grade leather. You can feel safe when your little one puts her feet in her mouth, the leather is non-toxic! They fasten with velcro, which makes them quick and easy to put on, with no laces to come untied so they stay on.

They are recommended by podiatrists. "Soft soled shoes provide the health benefit of being barefoot." Pediped also earned the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance.

You can find these beautiful, stylish, soft soled shoes at the Pediped website. You can find the link her on my website. Just click on the Pediped logo! They are a bit priced, around $30, but worth every penny. They have just released new rubber soled shoes for older children, that are a bit more expensive. Take a look and enjoy!

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